Daniela Ferreira dos Santos
Daniela Ferreira dos Santos

Research Group: AI4Health: Artificial Intelligence for Health Care
Thematic Line: TL3 Health and Decision Sciences & Information Technology
Hub: Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto
Research Areas: Medical Informatics, Health Data Analysis, Computer Science

Updated on 01/02/2023

Daniela Ferreira Santos is a researcher at CINTESIS, in the research group AI4Health – Artificial Intelligence for Health Care.

She earned her Ph.D. in Clinical and Health Services Research (PDICSS) at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP), with a Ph.D. scholarship from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). She has a degree in Cardiopneumology, a Master’s in Medical Informatics (MIM) from FMUP, and a post-graduate degree in “Business Intelligence & Analytics” from the Porto Business School.

Currently, she is a Guest Assistant Professor at FMUP and is developing research in her main areas of interest, which include pulmonology, biomedical informatics, Big Data, and artificial intelligence with application in the health area.